Friday, November 21, 2008

Bleachout Shirts

My husband and I have been making T-shirts using a bleaching process. Various techniques can be used for different designs and such. These pics are an example of a shirt made for personal use recently. The praying mantis was the hubby's idea, which I found funny since the female praying mantis decapitates and eats the male after mating. Anyway, I particularly like the drips on this one. More to come.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Cactaur Blanket is finished!

I finally finished the cactaur blanket about 2 weeks ago, and am finally getting around to posting the pic. Once again school is kicking my butt and sucking all the time away.

I'm really happy with how it turned out. I got really frustrated with it about half way through due to the amount of detail being a big pita, but I'm glad I put forth the effort and wouldn't change a thing.

It is crocheted in acrylic yarn, and is the same size as the moogle blankie I posted previously. It's approximately 49"x75" and would work for a twin, twin xl, or double bed. It is shown pictured on a queen size bed, so as you can see, it was quite labor intensive.

Next I plan to make a baby chocobo blanket, and already have the graph made for it.

The "Plarn" Experience

After several hours of work, here it is: my "plarn" ball! For those of you that don't know what plarn is, it is yarn made of strips cut from plastic bags. The bottom seam and handles are removed from the bag, and the remaining plastic is cut into strips and looped together. If doing this, I highly recommend recycling the unused handles and seams of the bags if possible.

This ball of plarn contains plastic from somewhere in the neighborhood of 50 plastic shopping bags. It should be enough to make a bag. By making plarn and crocheting with it, the end result is a much more durable reusable bag than the the original flimsy plastic. I was originally planning to make a tote bag out of it, but now I'm leaning towards making a messenger bag instead. Either way, it's probably going to be a while until I have the time to tackle the project due to the insane number of papers and projects I've been having to do lately for school. At least there's only a few more weeks left in the semester. :)